Our swap and challenge coordinator has been keeping us really busy every month with a new idea and challenge. For the spring, we are conquering our fear of FMQ. Many members are practicing doodling on paper, some have graduated to fabric, because as you know practice makes perfect. And for those of us who can FMQ, we’ve been challenged to take a quilt package from Community Quilts and create a modern quilt.
Christmas 12″ mini Swap
Members were challenged to create a winter themed mini quilt to swap. The two rules were – 12″ minumum and a winter theme based on the letter “S”. They will be exchanged at our Guild Christmas party.
Feb/Mar Table Runner Challenge
The challenge was to create a table runner of your choice and post your photos on the guild FB page plus send a copy to FVmodernquiltguild@laura-miron

2021 Oct/Nov Block Lotto
The winner of the block lotto was Vera W who will create the quilt top and then it will be donated back to the guild for Community Quilts
Summer 2021 Photo Challenge
Here are our submissions for the Summer 2021 Photo Challenge. (Hint: this one is all about staging the photo!) Our winners are the first two photos featured below and both are by the same person, our guild photographer! Congrats Barbara M!! A lovely job of staging your quilts!