Events for our members…

Sew-Ins are currently being held for Members only via Zoom every Friday night from 6pm-10pm and most Saturdays of the month from 9am -5:00pm Our in person Sew-ins meet at our venue once monthly on Saturdays.
Coffee Klatches:
Coffee Klatch meets the last Saturday of each month at 10:00am! Our meet-ups are open to anyone, are usually at a local coffee shop or a local event, somewhere in the Fraser Valley. A schedule of where we will be meeting up will be posted on our Facebook pages.
There is no FEE except for your coffee/refreshment! Feel free to bring a friend, a current project, an idea for a project, info about upcoming events that are quilting-related, or just your curiosity.
Quilt Retreats:
Covid certainly put a damper on our retreats, and so we decided to celebrate our 12.5 year anniversary with a Copper retreat in spring of 2023. Our theme was 12.5, copper, reuse and recycle.
One or two workshops are planned yearly for members which may be opened to the general public if space is available. In the past we have had some excellent workshops with Maria Shell, Christina Cameli, Marianne Hack, Cheryl Arkison, Katie Pederson, Peter Byrne, David Owen Hastings, and Melissa Marginet to name a few. Our upcoming workshop in March of 2025 is with Irene Rodrigues.